Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Time in the Mountains

Colorado is seriously BEA-U-TI-FUL!  It is amazing being surrounded by mountains and although the bumpy windy roads can occasionally turn your tummy, I'm consistently amazed by the splendor I get to see with every short car ride.

This past week the students in the Discipleship Training School spent a week at a base that was up in the mountains.  Its called "Eagle Rock" and sits at 8,535 feet above sea level.  The awesome part is that the temperature was much cooler, so we got a little relief from the heat of the un- air-conditioned dorm rooms.  The sad part is that about half of the team came back with colds (myself included).

Here are some pictures of some of the really fantastic sights from the last month.  Oh... P.S.  I've already been here for one month!  Crazy!  At the half way point for the training phase of the Around the World Outreach!  4 more weeks and I will be on the road with my team! (woohoo!)
See that up there?  That is where we are going!
Made it to the top!  About 9,300 feet in elevation.

Max, enjoying the view

Oh Beautiful, for spacious skies...

The "crew" that went to the top this time!  Others went for sunset and sunrise!
Hmmm.... maybe next time ;-)

From a hike to "Hanging Lake"

Red Rocks Amphitheater with my small group!


  1. The picture of Max is very cool, as is all the others. So wish I could come visit.

    1. Thanks mum! Its always nice to get good pics of others ;-) Not feeling terribly photogenic myself these days... but I'll keep up with enough selfies to satisfy my "audience"
