Thursday, April 17, 2014

Vietnam: Should you go?


First, let me say that I was a little nervous going to Vietnam.  I had read that Vietnam only has a 7% return rate for tourists.  I also had read on other blogs that the local people were always trying to rip you off and charged double just because you are a tourist… some girl's boyfriend was chased down the street by a guy with a knife.  All of these things made me especially cautious and perhaps a little nervous to visit.  *BUT* with that being said, I had a WONDERFUL time in Vietnam!  There were a few small mistakes and disappointments, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Also, I am in LOVE with Vietnamese food!  Perhaps my one regret is not taking a cooking class while I was there.

Things to look out for when traveling.
1) Always be careful of your money. Know how much you have and know where it is.
2) Make sure you get the price and confirmation of the price before you receive and services.
3) Keep your belongings close to you. (I've heard stories of people cutting backpack straps and nabbing the backpack while driving by on a scooter!)
4) There are a LOT of reviews out there!  Check hotel prices and reviews and then compare!  I particularly like to use Agoda because you can rack up rewards for free hotel rooms and they seemed to have the best price.  Also, you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry when you get there.
5) Keep your cool.  Its important to think clearly and not let your emotions get the best of you.  Just because they are charging you double doesn't mean they are ripping you off.  The local pays $1 for their meal… you pay $2.  ITS ONLY $2!  Be thankful there are still places you can get that deal!
6) Walking away is always an option.  If the price is too high, then don't buy it.  If they really want your sale, they will give you a deal.
7) Expect the worst but hope for the best!  This is my life motto… it saves you from a lot of disappointment.  Prepare yourself to be ripped off, cussed out and shunned.  Because when it DOESN'T happen, you'll have had the most lovely time.

In posts to come I'll give you updates on my journey through Vietnam.  There are basically 2 ways to travel Vietnam.  North to South or South to North.  Either way you'll make it to the center, which I thought was the most lovely.

I traveled in Vietnam the end of February.  The weather was a little cool and rainy in the north, but pretty near perfect as we went south.

If you have any questions that I may be able to answer, let me know!  Always up for a good travel dialogue.

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