Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Guatemala, journey through photos

I've already posted a few blogs without photos (it wouldn't work in my application while traveling, LAME)  So now, almost 3 months later I shall reflect... with photos.

Our time in Guatemala was one of the more challenging for myself.  The ministry we did was on the streets with the homeless, drugged, prostitutes, dirty, smelly.  No judgements, just truth.   Its a place that I have hardly explored, but a place that needs breakthrough and Jesus just as much (or more) than everyone else!  Our mission was to go to these people and love them.  We washed feet, put on bandaids, painted nails, sang songs, colored, played Uno and just treated them like normal people.

We woke them up with our visit this day.

One of my more favorite ministry opportunities was the Kids clubs that we helped facilitate.  We went to 3 different "slum" areas and gave a bible message, played games, had snack and of course took cute pictures!


If I could steal a child... I would take this one!
His 8 year old sister was watching him for the day, so we
kind of "commandeered" him for the time we were there ;-)

Many on my team were heart broken about the conditions some of the kids lived in.
What was "normal" for them, just hanging out in the garbage dump.

Salvaging food

There were fun times too.  Eating street tacos, hanging out at the beach and a day as tourists in Antigua.  The first two weeks of our trip were PACKED and it was a great experience and great preparation for the next 9 weeks on our Around the World Journey.  Some of us even missed the busy schedule after we left Guatemala.  Huge thanks to David and Julie Voncannon and The Street Revolution for hosting us and giving us a small glimpse of what you do every day!


Street Tacos! (Cow heart and pork)

Our Fearless Leaders



La Merced Church, Antigua

Teen Challenge

Rachelle was pretty much a mermaid.

Coconuts Anyone?

I learned Spanish songs to lead worship at Teen Challenge

If you want to READ more stories, here are my previous posts about Guatemala Week 1 and Week 2.

*Some photos credit to Nicola East Photography.  Check out more at

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