Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Reality

I'm 30 years old. I sleep on the top bunk of a bunk bed that is in a room with 11 other bunk beds occupied by a total of 14 other girls.

My belongings for the next 5 months fits within 3 dresser drawers and a carry on bag.
I don't have a job. I don't have a car. I don't have a house. I'm not married.
I'm happy!
Can you believe it? I'm happy! I have NOTHING that the world says I should have, but I believe I am going in the right direction.

Recently I've become more and more interested in the "minimalistic" life.  Its fun that I get a chance to experience it if only for a little while.  Don't get me wrong, its still difficult.  For example, I have $200 to last me the next 6 weeks.  That is $33 a week.  My basic needs are covered, food and housing, but darn it!  Sometimes I want a coffee from Starbucks.  So, now I'm practicing more self-control (and occasionally failing), but I'm grateful for the opportunity to live like this.  I still have a place to live and food to fill my belly.

I'm reminded more and more of all of the people I've met while traveling.  The locals who live on $2.50 a day.  Those who live in a single room with 4 others so they can afford rent at $40 a month.  And even though they only make $300 a month, half of that they send to their families so they too can eat.


So, in this time of living in community and living simply, I too want to keep my perspective.  To know that just because I'm sick of eating pasta and just because I can't splurge on Chipotle, my life is full.

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