Friday, September 19, 2014

For such a Time as this

The 400 year old chateau that we called home.
We thought France was going to be relaxing. We thought we would be sipping coffee, having class, and do a few casual ministry times on the streets and in a cafe or two.  But God surprised us!
On the 17th we got to experience the worst flood that the area has seen in at least 50 years!  There was a bad flood here in 2008 that everyone in town talked about previously...this one was much worse!
Before and "During"
The River rose 12 feet! 

From what I have heard, it was the equivalent of 3 months of rain in one night.  The river rose up 12 feet, flooding many bottom stories.  The water was rushing down the hill and THROUGH the chateau! It was coming up through the ground! At times we felt like we were in the titanic, with water gushing through the doorways and into the rooms. Luckily it only got knee deep.
We were and are grateful to have been here. Having the Denver team here gave 13 extra people to help move furniture, dig trenches and bail out water! Because of that there was minimal damage.  For 4 hours we threw buckets of water out the windows and doors, singing while we worked.

It was actually quite fun and exciting, a good memory! My body was achy two days later, but my spirit was happy. In the surrounding area 6 people died as well as horses, livestock and many cars. But at the chateau we were all safe and sound.

It was an experience I'll surely never forget and one that brought much bonding and unity to the teams.  I'm sad we didn't get to stay a few more days to help with moving the furniture back to the bottom floor and more cleaning. But happy to have been able to help in the time of crisis.  Praying for those who lost so much in this storm. France, you have left your mark on me!

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