Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The least of these

A big lesson learned in a very real and tangible way.

Our last day doing a children's program at the dump. In our last 10 minutes a little girl walks up. She hasn't been at the rest of the program, but stumbled in for our ending game. It takes just a moment to see that she is different. No one knows exactly what is the reason, but her skin is dry and flaking. Was she badly burned? Is it a severe skin condition? This little girl, maybe 9 years old has her entire epidermis flaking off. Her arms, her face, her scalp.

As I reached to touch her to guide her as long in the game I had second thoughts and shrunk back. I was unsure. If I touched her would I catch something awful? And in that moment my mind went to this verse, "truly I say to you, as you did it to  one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40). In 30 seconds my brain switched gears and I wanted to hug her. I wanted to show her love. I was still cautious and wondering if I'd catch something, but if just for a moment, a little less worried about myself and a little more concerned for this very precious and often ignored child.

While experiencing all of this in Guatemala I was reading "Compelled By Love" by Heidi Baker. INTENSE! This woman is seriously crazy! A modern day Mother Theresa wanting only to Love and love fully. Many of the quotes in the book are from Mother Theresa, for sure one of my heroes.  A great quote, "Today it is very fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them." -Mother Theresa

I'm grateful that I have finally had the opportunity to talk with them. To sit on the side of the road and if for a minute experience the drear and desperation.

I pray that I won't forget this lesson as I continue in life hoping to learn a little more how to love better.

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